Thursday, February 13, 2014

Kiril Todorov Post one Ukrainian Protests

Ukraine Protests

On 21st of November 2013 the demonstrations began in the capital of Kiev, the cause of these protests was due to the government rejecting a far-reached accord with the EU. The protests where at first calm, but later escalated “They turned violent on 19 January, and deadly on 22 January in the capital…”. The protesters fight the police by torching the buses, throwing rocks, Molotov’s, while the police respond with tear gas and rubber bullets. But while the politicians seem not to be acting out so violently 2 people were shot dead at the site of the Kiev protest camp on 22nd of January, also another was found dead in a forest with torture marks in a forest near Kiev showing that someone must have been angry and also a protest leader, Dymtro Bulatov has showed up with serious facial injuries and has claimed he was abducted tortured for eight days and left to die. Showing that the people who are against the far-reached accord with the EU are ready to do some extreme things to make sure that this does not happen. Even with all of these things happening the protesters continue strong making barricades to stop the police from snow in snow bags making walls up to 5 meters high making the politicians no way in breaking through except waiting for the weather to get warmer. Meanwhile the protesters showing a good sense of humor and creativity and fighting a police squad off with a catapult firing fire missiles and coming dressed the next day with a bigger and the protesters where dressed as knights and once again fought the police off.

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